In 2022, North Carolina had 151 fire deaths reported with only 3 out of every 5 homes, having working smoke alarms. Most fire fatalities happen between the months of January through May, with 71% being over the age of 50. One of the best tools in the home is a working smoke alarm.

The Office of State Fire Marshal offers two ways for fire departments to receive smoke alarms for their communities. The smoke alarm canvassing (SAC) grant program and the Smoke Alarm Saturday (SAS) campaign.

The SAC and SAS are designed for fire departments to provide both education and long-life smoke alarms through canvassing in high fire risk areas in their communities. High fire risk areas may include, but are not limited to, areas with minority populations, large percentage of older mobile homes, low-income residences with older adults, and areas with a large number of older homes.

This page was last modified on 02/04/2022