Fire & Life Safety

Mission Statement:
To reduce, through safety education and trainings, the loss of life, property and injuries caused by fire or other emergency situations and to respond to fire and life safety educator's needs throughout NC by assisting them in all phases of life safety education.
Fire & Life Safety Educator's Association
The Fire & Life Safety Educator Executive Committee is composed of four members, two from each region.
Position | Name | |
Chairperson (Western) | Jeannie Moore | |
1st Vice Chairperson (Eastern) | Brené Duggins | |
2nd Vice Chairperson (Western) | Jeremy Brooks | |
Secretary (Western) | Will Sheehan | |
Past Chairperson (Eastern) | Britney Melvin | |
The State Council is composed of the Executive Committee, four appointed members of each Eastern and Western Regional Association and members from specific agencies.
The Fire & Life Safety Educator Associations have two regional associations in the Eastern and Western parts of the state. Each Regional Association appoints a delegate from their respective regions to serve on the Executive Committee and State Council.
Eastern Representatives:
Position | Name | |
Chairperson | Holt Alcon | |
Vice Chairperson | Stephan Arnold | |
Secretary | Shauna Allen | |
Past Chairperson | Brené Duggins | |
Western Representatives:
Position | Name | |
Chairperson | Maria Bostian | |
Vice Chairperson | Jeremy Brooks | |
Secretary | Will Sheehan | |
Past Chairperson | Leigh Kish | |
Membership to either region is open to anyone across the state. For more information about a regional association and how you can be a part of this network of educators, contact one of the regional representatives listed above.
Annual Report Form, Instructions, Lesson Plans and Certification:
Ever wonder who's doing fire and life safety education and how many people are actually being reached statewide? Complete and submit your fire and life safety program information in order to be part of the annual report that is presented at the NC Fire & Life Safety Education Conference each year.
Fire & Life Safety Program Information Form
To help track your agencies fire and life safety prevention activities during the year, download and save the FLSE reporting form.
Fire & Life Safety Reporting Form
Fire & Life Safety Education Conference
The NC Fire and Life Safety Educators’ Associations exist solely for the common purpose of prevention. We invite all like-minded individuals to join our Eastern and/or Western organizations, and to attend the annual conference. Our regional organizations meet quarterly at pre-determined locations. These meetings provide valuable networking opportunities, as well as continuing education opportunities. The NC FLSE Conference is typically a 2-3 day educational event held in February. The overall mission of the conference is “prevention through education.” We, as fire and life safety educators, are better when we first educate ourselves!
Conference Information and Registration
This page was last modified on 11/20/2023