Everyone Goes Home Team

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NC Everyone Goes Home Advocate Team

The NC - Everyone Goes Home (EGH) Advocate Team has established a formal MOU with the National Fallen Firefighter’s Foundation and the NC Office of State Fire Marshal to provide training to prevent firefighter LODDs and injuries, for community risk reduction, to enhance firefighter behavioral health, and to prepare departments for a LODD.

Offerings include:  

  • CTBS – Courage to Be Safe
  • LACK – Leadership, Accountability, Culture, and Knowledge 
  • LEGH – Leadership So Everyone Goes Home
  • AOL – Attributes of Leading
  • LEAD - Four Steps to Building Quality Leaders & Highly Motivated Followers

If your department has questions or would like to schedule a class, please request a class through OSFM24 or email Katherine Burton at katherine.burton@ncdoi.gov.

NC EGH Classes

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TRD0151 Courage to Be Safe - CTBS

4 Hours

This course is a provocative and moving presentation by the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, through the Everyone Goes Home® Program, that is designed to change the culture of accepting the loss of firefighters as a normal occurrence.

Building on the untold story of line of duty death survivors, it reveals how family members must live with the consequences of a firefighter death. This presentation provides a focus on the need for firefighters and officers to change fundamental attitudes and behaviors to prevent line of duty deaths. The central theme promotes the courage to do the right thing to protect yourself and other firefighters and ensure that “Everyone Goes Home” at the end of the day.

Firefighters must have the courage to face a multitude of risks to save lives and protect their communities. Their courage allows them to willingly risk their own lives so that others can be saved. A different type of courage is required to stay safe in potentially dangerous situations, avoiding needless risks and tragic consequences.

TRD0152 Leadership, Accountability, Culture, and Knowledge - LACK

4 Hours

Is your department on the path to a LODD? This compelling presentation by the National Fallen Firefighter Foundation examines the root causes of LODDs and the role of Leadership, Accountability, Culture and Knowledge as it influences the result. Many fire departments across the United States “LACK the Right Stuff” to prevent them from being on a path to a line of duty death, with Leadership, Accountability, Culture and Knowledge being the elements that need to be addressed and managed in those environments. Through education and training, those departments can improve their survivability by understanding the root causes of firefighter fatalities and tackling these four elements with special emphasis on understanding fire service culture.

TRD0153 Leadership So Everyone Goes Home - LEGH

4 Hours

A course of the Everyone Goes Home® Program of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation
designed to assist in the reduction of LODDs utilizing a series of case studies. Each study will
include what happened, why it happened, what could have avoided it, were safety measures
available and used, and how can we prevent this in the future. The benefit of this program is the review of cultural change or adaptive challenge, rather than just enacting a technical fix, which in most cases does not work. A great program for senior fire officers and administrative officers. This is learning from actual incidents!

Leadership So Everyone Goes Home is a four-hour program designed to assist the chief level
officer to define the tools to identify:

  1. Issues that could lead to a line of duty death or serious injury,
  2. How the death/injury occurred,
  3. How it could have been prevented,
  4. What steps,
  5. Should a fire department take to reduce the possibility of experiencing this action and outcome,

Reviewing the adaptive challenges facing emergency services today to create a safer
environment. All learning utilizes real-world incidents to learn and adapt our actions so
everyone does go home!

This program is specifically designed for the more senior level fire officers who have had
opportunities to be command officers at a wide variety of emergency incidents, including fires
and hazardous materials responses. Utilizing case studies, the learning objectives become more
real to life and the possibility of changing the organizational culture to reduce the possibility of
deaths and injuries in the future.

TRD0154 Attributes of Leading -AOL

6 Hours

Attributes of Leading (AOL) is designed to build more effective fire service leaders of all ranks. is a highly interactive, real-world applicable, case study-based course available in two formats, Train-the-Trainer, and direct course delivery. Both formats are 6 hours in length and best delivered to audiences of no more than 12 attendees. The program focuses on twelve essential qualities of effective leading:

  •  Competence
  •  Constructive influence
  •  Grit
  •  Humility
  •  Presence
  •  Resilience
  •  Self-mastery
  •  Self-regulation
  •  Stepping up
  •  Trust
  •  Vigilance
  •  Wellness
  •  Through a process of view, review, introspection, and discussion, the program challenges attendees to focus on qualities that constructively influence members regarding overall performance, health, and safety.
  •  Short videos for each attribute featuring firefighters and officers from across the country, combined with thoughtful words from the late Chief Alan Brunacini are used to stimulate discussion.
  •  The Train-the-Trainer delivery teaches how to deliver the program, while the direct delivery version takes attendees through the twelve attributes.
     Both delivery models are available at no charge to the requesting department.
  •  Feedback from participants attending the inaugural rollout and subsequent deliveries has been overwhelmingly positive. Fire departments across the country are including the Attributes of Leading program into their officer development and continuing education curricula.

TRD0156 Four Steps to Building Quality Leaders & Highly Motivated Followers

4 Hours

This presentation looks at a variety of leadership issues that affect accountability and approaches to safety. Discussions include the impact of generational change, organizational dynamics, interpersonal dynamics, and ten personality types found in the fire service. The mnemonic “L.E.A.D.” forms the foundation of organizational strength. The presentation uses scenes from the Academy Award-winning film “Patton” to make the meaningful points.

EGH Leadership Team

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Tony Bailey Portrait

Tony Bailey Lead - Region IV Advocate Fire Programs/Outreach and Education

Deputy State Fire Marshal 919-218-9694 tony.bailey@ncdoi.gov

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Katherine Burton - NC EGH Lead State Advocate

OSFM Certification Specialist 919-618-0338 katherine.burton@ncdoi.gov

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Bryant Pitchford - NC EGH Deputy Lead State Advocate

Captain Littleton Fire Department 252-213-5594 pitchfordbryant590@gmail.com

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Mike Carlin - NC Outreach and Education Advocate

Hillcrest Fire Department 608-358-7870 firerescue14@gmail.com

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Greg Palmer

Greg Palmer - NC DOD/Military Specialty Advocate

Commission/RPD Staff Supervisor 919-600-9516 greg.palmer@ncdoi.gov

NC EGH Advocates

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Stephen Lovette Portrait

Stephen Lovette - Advocate

Julian Fire Department 336-516-5820 stephenlovette329@gmail.com

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Brandy Horton Portrait

Brandy Horton - Advocate

Roxboro Fire Dept Battalion Chief 336-504-1053 bhorton@cityofroxboro.com

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Robert Swiger - Advocate

Retired OSFM Training Supervisor 919-812-2745 reswig@gmail.com

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Whitley Lovette - Advocate

White Lake Fire Dept Lieutenant 336-447-0716 wlovette9409@gmail.com

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Chris Mehaffey Portrait

Chris Mehaffey - Advocate

Waynesville Fire Dept Assistant Chief 828-737-7178 cmehaffey@waynesvillenc.gov

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Jon Williams Portrait

Jon Williams

Union County Fire Marshal 704-320-3848 jon.williams@unioncountync.gov

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Frank White

Hugo Fire Department 252-939-6989 frankp@centurylink.net

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Brent Heath

Mt Olive Fire Department 704-320-3848 brent.heath@ncdoi.gov

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Steve Barney

Hawtree Fire Department Chief 252-432-5386 barney73@embarqmail.com

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Shahanda Penzias

Fayetteville Fire Department Lieutenant 919-818-2273 shahandapenzias@fayettevillenc.gov

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Rusty Reynolds

Lincolnton Fire Department Chief of Training 980-525-6888 reynoldsrusty979@gmail.com

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Bryan Lilley

Washington Fire Department Lieutenant 252-945-0274 blilley@washingtonnc.gov

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David Watson

Ellis Cross-Country Fire Department 704-232-5326 davidwatson4807@gmail.com

Interested in becoming an EGH Advocate? Please contact a member of our EGH Leadership team for more information.