State Property Fire Insurance Fund

Property insurance for buildings, structures and business personal property owned by the State of North Carolina is provided through the State Property Fire Insurance Fund (The Fund). All property is required to have coverage for losses caused by Fire and Lightning. However, an agency or university may choose to insure property under its control for other types of property losses.

SPFIF General Property Coverage Policy

Coverage Types

Tab/Accordion Items

The General Property Coverage Policy is the Fund’s basic policy and is used to provide insurance against losses caused by Fire and Lightning, Extended Coverage, Vandalism, Sprinkler Leakage and Theft. However, the agency or university is covered only for those named perils for which the agency or university has paid a premium and for which the named peril is indicated in the Declarations.

Covered Cause of Loss:

  • Fire
  • Lightning

The General Property Coverage Policy is the Fund’s basic policy and is used to provide insurance against losses caused by Fire and Lightning, Extended Coverage, Vandalism, Sprinkler Leakage and Theft. However, the agency or university is covered only for those named perils for which the agency or university has paid a premium and for which the named peril is indicated in the Declarations.

Covered Causes of Loss:

  • Fire
  • Lightning
  • Windstorm
  • Hail
  • Explosion
  • Aircraft or Vehicles
  • Riot or Civil Commotion
  • Smoke

If coverage is purchased on a Broad Form basis, coverage for all of the perils listed in the basic General Property Coverage Policy is included in addition to damage caused the perils listed below, subject to any limitations in the form. The Broad Form exclusions take the place of the exclusions in the General Property Coverage Policy. However, any other conditions in the General Property Coverage Policy still apply.

Covered Causes of Loss:

  • Fire
  • Lightning
  • Windstorm
  • Hail
  • Explosion
  • Aircraft or Vehicles
  • Riot or Civil Commotion
  • Smoke
  • Vandalism
  • Sprinkler Leakage
  • Sinkhole Collapse
  • Volcanic Action
  • Falling Objects
  • Weight of Snow, Ice or Sleet
  • Water Damage

If coverage is purchased on an "All Risk" basis, property is covered for risks of direct physical loss unless the loss is excluded or limited by one of the indicated by one of the indicated “All Risk” Exclusion forms. These "All Risk" exclusions take the place of the exclusions in the General Property Coverage Policy. However, any other conditions in the General Property Coverage Policy still apply.

Covered Causes of Loss:                                                                            

  • Fire
  • Lightning
  • Windstorm
  • Hail
  • Explosion
  • Aircraft or Vehicles
  • Riot or Civil Commotion
  • Smoke
  • Vandalism
  • Sprinkler Leakage
  • Sinkhole Collapse
  • Volcanic Action
  • Falling Objects
  • Weight of Snow, Ice or Sleet
  • Water Damage
  • Theft
  • Any Other Loss Not Specifically Excluded


If coverage is purchased on an "All Risk" basis, property is covered for risks of direct physical loss unless the loss is excluded or limited by one of the indicated “All Risk” Exclusion forms. These "All Risk" exclusions take the place of the exclusions in the General Property Coverage Policy. However, any other conditions in the General Property Coverage Policy still apply.

Covered Causes of Loss:

  • Fire
  • Lightning
  • Windstorm
  • Hail
  • Explosion
  • Aircraft or Vehicles
  • Riot or Civil Commotion
  • Smoke
  • Vandalism
  • Sprinkler Leakage
  • Sinkhole Collapse
  • Volcanic Action
  • Falling Objects
  • Weight of Snow, Ice or Sleet
  • Water Damage
  • Theft
  • Power Surge
  • Flood
  • Any Other Loss Not Specifically Excluded


The State Property Fire Insurance Fund provides coverage in place of the National Flood Insurance Program.

Coverage is available up to: 

  • $500,000 for buildings and
  • $500,000 for contents

Coverage is for the loss of income and extra expenses incurred due to a covered cause of loss. Values must be reported in order for coverage to apply.

  • Debris Removal
  • Sewer Backup
  • Spoilage
  • Sprinkler Leakage
  • Theft
  • Vandalism and Malicious Mischief
  • Valuable Papers

Property Reporting Guidelines

Tab/Accordion Items

Guidelines for Reporting Property Values

By statute, the State Property Fire Insurance Fund (the Fund) pays for losses to State property on a replacement cost basis. This means the Fund will pay the actual cost to replace damaged property, at the time of loss, with new property of like kind and quality and used for the same purpose, without adjustment for depreciation.

In order for an agency of state government to fully recover its loss on a replacement cost basis, it is necessary that the property be insured for its full replacement value. Accuracy in reporting values is important since the Fund cannot pay more than the amount reported. Also, should an agency report values greater than the replacement value, the agency may pay needless insurance premiums or cause the Fund to pay unnecessary premiums for reinsurance.

Since the methods of arriving at the appropriate replacement values for buildings and the contents of buildings differ, the guidelines will treat these types of property separately.

Property Reporting Form (Dual Reporting form for DOA and DOI)

Please complete this form and email to:

For new buildings, the cost of construction is typically the replacement value for the building at that point in time. When reporting the values for insurance purposes, please do not include any costs associated with the purchase of land. Also, do not include any "movable equipment" costs in the building value since these costs are usually part of the contents. For older buildings that are purchased or otherwise acquired, an appraisal may be necessary to arrive at the insurance replacement cost. Keep in mind that the replacement value for buildings is not the same as the market value. Market value is used to determine the sales value of property at a point in time. This is what a willing buyer will pay a willing seller. The replacement value for insurance purposes is the cost to rebuild the structure at the time of loss with one of like kind and quality.

When buildings are renovated, the Fund will need to be notified if the renovations increase the building's replacement value. It is important to note that not all renovation costs increase a building's replacement value. For instance, if the building's existing roof is replaced with a new one, or existing office partitions are replaced with new ones, there may not be any additional value added to the building. On the other hand, an addition that increases the building's size, or the installation of a sprinkler system or alarm system, would increase the replacement value of the building.

Once the agency has established the appropriate replacement value, the Fund will annually adjust the values of buildings and structures in its database for inflation. This is normally done in February of each year. Agencies are encouraged to review the building values annually when the Fund sends out the new building value information to assure that the values are correct for invoicing.

For Business Personal Property (or Contents), the "acquisition cost" (or purchase price) and "replacement cost" are usually the same at the time of purchase for new property. However, in subsequent years the two costs will be different. Consequently, inflationary adjustments need to be made to the values of assets in years following the year of purchase to reflect the replacement cost accurately. For used or older property, the acquisition cost may not indicate the property's replacement cost. Therefore, the property may need to be appraised or compared with the cost to purchase property of like kind and quality in the marketplace. The replacement value of some types of Business Personal Property may actually decrease over time. This is typically the case with equipment where the technology is changing rapidly such as computers and related equipment. For items of this type, it may be more appropriate to use the current market value for comparable equipment. The Fund does not make inflationary adjustments for contents values. This is left to the discretion of the State agency or university.

For economic efficiency, agencies and universities may not maintain records in the statewide fixed asset system for property values less than some established amount, such as $500 or $5,000. However, if only those property values that are recorded in the statewide fixed asset database are reported for insurance purposes, the agency or university may be substantially under-insured in the event of loss. It is recommended that an appropriate amount also be included in the insurance replacement values to account for those values less than the threshold amount. The Fund will reimburse the agency or university for no more than the values reported for insurance purposes.

Property that has been accepted for ownership by the State should immediately be reported to the State Property Fire Insurance Fund for coverage. Failure to report this property may result in a lack of insurance coverage should a loss occur prior to reporting the property to the Fund. There are two major concerns that justify prompt reporting of newly acquired or constructed property to the Fund. First, unless your agency insures all of its property for the same coverage, the Fund does not know which coverage you intend to place on the new property. Also, the coverage under the Fund's reinsurance is limited for newly acquired or constructed property.

SPFIF Property Reporting Form

(Dual Reporting form for DOA and DOI)

State Property Fire Insurance Fund General Claims Reporting Procedures

  1. Notify the police if a law may have been broken.
  2. Give the State Property Fire Insurance Fund prompt notice of the loss or damage. Include a description of the property involved. This notice should ordinarily be given by telephone. Failure to notify the Fund promptly may void the coverage if the ability of the Fund or its reinsurers to adjust the claim is materially affected. However, in no event will a claim be paid unless the Fund is notified within 30 days of the loss occurrence. Special or unusual circumstances that prohibit prompt notification may be taken into consideration.
  3. As soon as possible, give the Fund a description of how, when and where the loss or damage occurred. (Use the Loss Reporting Form)
  4. Take all reasonable steps to protect the covered property from further damage, and keep a record of your expenses necessary to protect the covered property, for consideration in settlement of the claim. If feasible, set the damaged property aside and in the best possible order for examination.
  5. Permit the Fund to inspect the property and records proving the loss or damage.
  6. At the request of the Fund, give us complete inventories of the damaged and undamaged property. Include quantities, costs, values and amount of loss claimed.
  7. Send the Fund a signed Proof of Loss form with your request for payment. The Fund will supply these forms upon request.
  8. Cooperate with the Fund in the investigation and settlement of the claim and keep the Fund apprised of the status of the claim.
  9. Resume your operations as quickly as possible.
  10. Final request for claim payment must be submitted within 90 days of completion of repair or replacement.
  11. The Fund will not honor claims that are submitted for payment more than three years from the date of the loss, unless the Fund agrees to an extension in writing. (This requires that notification; repair, reconstruction or replacement; and final request for claim payment be completed within three years).

SPFIF Loss Reporting Form

(This form must be filed within 30 days of loss occurrence)

SPFIF Proof Of Loss Form

(This form is used for Request of Payment)

For Property Questions, contact:

Latarsha Silver - - 919-647-0065

For Claims Questions and Submissions, contact:

Brian Hood - - 919-647-0064


Main Line: 919-647-0000

NameTitleWork AreaPhone Number
Latarsha Silver, CRMDivision ChiefManagement of the Risk Management Division(919) 647-0065
Brian HoodLoss Control & Claims CoordinatorSPFIF Claims and Loss Control(919) 647-0064
Latarsha Silver, CRMRisk ManagerRisk Manager(919) 647-0065
Brian HoodClaims ConsultantClaims and Loss Control(919) 647-0064
VacantProgram CoordinatorSPFIF Billing, Changes and Renewal 
Ronae BennettAdministrative SpecialistOffice Administration(919) 647-0038
Kermit NixonInsurance Regulatory AnalystSchool Insurance(919) 618-1989
Wilson SawyerState Building Inspections SupervisorSupervision of Inspections Staff(919) 538-0955
Jeff JohnsonState Building InspectorCentral Region Inspections(919) 218-4769
Jeff KingState Building InspectorNortheastern Region Inspections(919) 218-7399
Jeff PayneState Building InspectorWestern Region Inspections(828) 337-0848
Lee PierceState Building InspectorCentral Region Inspections(919) 897-3260
Chad SimmonsState Building InspectorCentral Region Inspections(919) 816-5002